Bentley OpenComms Designer Help


Enter Amplifier Specifications

  1. From the spec menu, select Devices > Amps > New Series.

    Note: Plug-in equalizers and pads must be created prior to creating any amplifiers because while entering the amp data, you are prompted for equalizer and pad series names.
  2. The New Amp Series dialog box opens.

  3. Enter a Series Name and Mfg, manufacturer.
    Note: There can be a maximum of 20 series with a maximum of 10 models each.
  4. Click Add.
  5. The Amp Attributes dialog box opens.

  6. Enter a model Name up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
  7. Enter the amp block Number (0-9) to be used.
  8. At the Trk/Fed: dropdown on the Amp Attributes dialog (See red arrow below), select whether the amp will be used as a Feeder amp, a Trunk amp, as an Optical Node receiver, or as a Node Cabinet (which can be used to hold more than one Node receiver in a Segmented Node Architecture). By properly identifying your Node actives as either a Node or a cabinet, the user can ensure the ability to do a Global recalc from either the Node Cabinet or the Node Active itself, and all DSN_MAP values will populate, or remain populated with the correct value.

  9. Enter the number of Secondary Outputs (0,1,2,3).

    Since all amps have at least one output, the field refers to the number of additional outputs rather than the primary or trunk output. A trunk only amp would have 0 secondary outputs. A trunk/bridger amp would have 1 secondary/auxiliary output, feeder makers are handled as a multi-way splitter. Fiber-to-feeder amps have two secondary/auxiliary outputs. The total outputs an amp can have is four without using internal splitters.

  10. Enter in the Cost of this model amplifier.
  11. Select the Cell to represent the device.
  12. Enter the input (HE Side) and output (DS Side) levels for the frequencies being displayed.
  13. Enter the amplifier power requirements.

    With Bentley Coax it is possible to enter up to six different current requirements for six different voltages. While it is not necessary to enter all six, at least two current requirements and two voltages must be entered for Bentley Coax to calculate the powering requirements of the system.

    In the example shown, the amplifier draws 1.20 amps when the voltage is between 40.0 and 45.0 VAC. In addition, the amplifier draws 1.07 amps when the voltage is between 45.0 and 50.0 VAC, 0.96 amps between 50.0 and 60.0 VAC, etc.

    The number entered for minimum voltage represents the floor or bottom of the range for the specific current draw. The ceiling or top of the range for the specific draw is the minimum voltage for the next draw.

    To enter one average current draw for all voltages, simply enter the average as current #1 and for the minimum voltage #1 enter the minimum voltage for the amp. The other figures should be set to 0. Bentley Coax uses the draw value for any voltage between the minimum and the voltage of the power supply.

    The Power Port check box is used to specify a built-in power inserter inside the amplifier.

    Note: The characteristic of this built-in power inserter is defined by the first power inserter defined in the spec.

    The Config Power check box defines the way the power is distributed in the amplifier. For example, selecting Amp, Leg 1 and Leg 2 tells the application that the power will travel between the input, leg 1 and leg 2 of the amplifier.

  14. Enter the forward module specifications.
    • Gain - Enter the total amount of gain for the module. Normally, this number is the difference between the input and output levels at the high forward frequency. With an amplifier that has an interstage, the gain number can be the difference plus the interstage pad. This allows you to modify the interstage pad without getting an “insufficient gain” error message.
    • Variable Gain - Enter the value for variable gain/variable pad/AGC for the module, if any. Enter 0 if this module does not have variable gain.
    • Fixed Slope - Also known as factory or built-in equalization. This is equalization that comes with the amp prior to any variable or plug in equalization. Enter 0 if the module does not have fixed slope.
    • Variable Slope - Enter the amount of variable slope for the module. If the module only uses plug in equalizers, enter 0.
    • Distortion Parameters - Enter the figures for the five distortion parameters. If they are not known, enter 0.

    If the amp does have plug-in pads/equalizers and they have not yet been entered, simply continue with the amp. When finished, exit the amp menus, create the pads/eqs., and then come back to the amp through the edit command.

    Change the Eq. to none if this module does not use plug-in pads or equalizers. Otherwise, select the number representing the appropriate series of pads and equalizers.

    When Bentley Coax is calculating design, it chooses the correct model pad and equalizer from the series entered here. If the module does have a plug-in pad and equalizer, the following interstage equalizer and pad are available for setting. The options are None, Alert User, Remove Pad, Remove Eq., Keep and Use CSI and Calc from Series.

  15. Enter the interstage specifications.

    If the module does not have an interstage, set it to None. If the module does use an interstage, the switch must be changed. All of the options refer to the case in which the total amount of pad/eq. necessary to balance the amp is less than the amount of the interstage pad/eq. Bentley Coax uses all the interstage pad/eq. and puts the additional amount required up front. If it is less, there are options for both interstage pads and interstage equalizers.

    • Alert User – Bentley Coax alerts you that the amount of interstage pad/eq. is greater than the amount necessary.

      You are not allowed to modify anything inside the amp, but must either change the pole where the amp was placed or change the specific amp, cable, etc.

    • Remove Pad/Equalizer - Bentley Coax automatically removes the interstage pad/eq. and places the necessary device up front.
    • Keep and Use CSI Up Front – Only displays with equalizers and keeps the interstage equalizer as originally specified but puts a cable simulator up front.
    • Calculate From Series - The forward interstage equalizer calculates from the selected series to choose the correct eq. model needed without over equalizing.

    If the module does have an interstage, the specific series, model pad and equalizer must be selected.

    After completing the interstage fields for the equalizers, all the data is complete for the forward module.

  16. Enter the reverse module specifications.

    The fields for the reverse module can be filled in. If it was specified that secondary outputs are used, the information must be filled in.

  17. When the data has been entered the amplifier setup is completed, click Add to save a new entry or Update to update an existing amplifier.